Showing posts with label french food explained. Show all posts
Showing posts with label french food explained. Show all posts

Ordering a Steak Rare, Medium-Rare, Medium or Well-Done in France.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


All the French you need to order a perfectly cooked steak.

Steak and French fries (chips).

The short version
for ordering a steak in France.
Very, very rare Bleu
(Pronounced ble).

Rare -  Saignant
(Pronounced say-nyon, do not pronounce the T).

Medium Rare with the accent on the rare -  À Point
(Pronounced ah pwa).
À Point
Medium-rare.with the accent on the rare.

Medium rare,  closer to medium  -    Entre à Point et Bien Cuit.
(Pronounced awntr a pwan ay bien kwee).

Medium to well done -   Bien Cuit
(Pronounced bien kwee).

Well done - Très Bien Cuit
(Pronounced tray bien kwee).
N.B. An exceptionally well-done steak; however, “très bien cuit” is not in any French chef’s dictionary though it will be clearly understood.  Be careful when ordering!,  Do not order France's popular steak frites very well-done; you will be served cooked cardboard or leather, that is if the server agrees to take your order.         

For an in-depth answer on ordering steak in France click on this post:

More detail in this post.

To begin with there is no direct translation
 for medium or medium-rare.
Read on.

North American and UK steakhouse terms such as medium, medium-rare, or well-done do NOT translate, conceptually, into traditional restaurant French. Your English-French travel dictionary may offer the word Moyen as the translation of the word medium, and that is correct.  Unfortunately, in French Moyen is not used as a cooking term.

Ordering a steak requires little French. It does not matter whether you order a steak in English, or in perfect or poorly accented French.  Every French waiter understands an order for a steak.  Problems only appear when the waiter asks:  Quelle cuisson, votre steak?  How would you like your steak cooked?  
Check these pictures.

A lexicon of French terms for ordering a steak or cuts of beef

Bleu – Bleu is also the French word for the color blue, and for a steak, it means very, very rare; leaking onto the plate when cut.  When you feel the need for an almost raw steak, then a steak bleu will fill that need. A steak bleu indicates that the chef will have allowed the steak to take a quick peek at the grill or frying pan, in passing, on its way to your plate. A steak bleu is just sealed on the outside; when cut that steak will leak copiously onto your plate; it will have been cooked, maybe, for one to two minutes on each side.    (Bleu is pronounced ble).  
Saignant – French for a rare steak.  The direct translation into English of the word saignant would be bloody, or bleeding; despite that, a steak saignant will have been cooked a little more than a steak bleu. A steak saignant will also leak, when you cut into it, though less copiously than a steak bleu.   In North America and the UK, a steak saignant will still be considered a rare steak. (Pronounced say-nyon, do not pronounce the T).
A rare steak.
À point - Perfectly cooked, just ready or just right. À point is the term used, in France, for all perfectly cooked foods, and not for steaks alone. Unfortunately, many guidebooks give the term à point as the way to order a medium-rare steak. A perfectly cooked steak, for most French men and women, is NOT medium-rare; rather, it is a rare-to-medium-rare, a lot closer to rare than the US or UK medium. (Pronounced ah pwa).

À point
Medium-rare.with the accent on the rare.

I prefer my steaks cooked à point, (medium-rare with the accent on the rare), but that is my choice. French servers with experience with English-speaking tourists will agree, generally with a smile, to take your à point steak back into the kitchen for a few more minutes on the grill, or the frying pan when à point is too rare for your tastes.
 When English speaking diners, in France, wish to order their steaks medium-rare, I suggest they order steaks cooked entre à point et bien cuit.  That translates as “between well cooked and à point” the result will be a US or UK medium-rare steak, closer to medium than rare. For a medium-rare steak just ask for your steak entre à point et bien cuit. See the following paragraph.
Entre à Point et Bien Cuit  –  In France, entre à point et bien cuit has worked well for me when ordering a steak cooked to medium  for friends.  All French servers will understand it. A French diner sitting near you, and observing you order a steak cooked entre à point et bien cuit may consider your steak as overcooked; however, you are paying the piper. (Pronounced awntr a pwan ay bien kwee).
Entre à Point et Bien Cuit - Medium
Moyen   Average or the middle. In the French kitchen, the word moyen has nothing to do with steaks.  Look to the two previous paragraphs and the terms À point or Entre à Point et Bien Cuit to order a medium-rare or medium steak.
Bien Cuit  Bien cuit translates into English as well done; however, an order for a steak bien cuit, in France, generally produces a medium-to-well-done steak.  A steak bien cuit will not run at all; however, its center will still be slightly rosé, pink. (Pronounced bien kwee).
Bien Cuit
Very slightly rose in the center.
Très Bien Cuit   Very well cooked; an extremely well-done steak.  Unfortunately, très bien cuit is not used for steaks in French kitchens; I made it up.  Despite that, all servers with some experience with overseas visitors will understand the request. For the French très bien cuit means a very overcooked steak, and the server may ask you to repeat that instruction. If you have ordered steak frites, an experienced server may advise you re-consider, or order something else.  The cuts used for France’s relatively inexpensive steak frites are usually flank steaks or hanger steaks, and a well-done flank or hanger steak will be tough and tasteless, practically inedible. For an enjoyable meal with a well-done steak, I suggest that you look through the menu again.  Consider ordering a more expensive entrecôte, or change your request for your steak très bien cuit to just bien cuit. (Pronounced tray bien kwee for very, very well-done).
The French view of a steak cooked très bien cuit, very well done.


Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Copyright 2010, 2012, 2013, 2018, 2019.

Searching for the meaning of words, names or phrases
French menus?

Just add the word, words, or phrase that you are searching for to the words "Behind the French Menu" (best when including the inverted commas), and search with Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGO.   Behind the French Menu’s links, include hundreds of words, names, and phrases that are seen on French menus. There are over 450 articles that include over 4,000 French dishes with English translations and explanations.

Steaks and cuts of beef on French menus:



When ordering your steak remember the French
also make great French fries, chips.
Photograph by MonkeyBusiness/

Chaudrée – Chowder. Ordering Chowder in France.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Clam Chowder
Chowder was created in France, not Boston and then it was a fisherman's and fisherwoman's stew made with any unsold or unpopular shellfish; unsold sea fish would usually be taken home for the family.  At the end of a 12 hour plus work day, this would have been the fishermen’s and fisherwomen’s’ first meal.  Today chowder, in a French seafood restaurant will be made with the very best seafood and or sea fish.
A shrimp and corn chowder

Chaudrée or Chaudière - Fish and seafood chowders are rich, velvety soups or thick stews. Nearly all French chowders include white wine, garlic, potatoes, and herbs, and many include crème fraîche and or butter.
Chowder on the French menus:
Chaudrée de Moules au Vin Blanc et Fleur d'Ail –  A mussel chowder made with white wine and flavored with the crushed stems and buds of garlic flowers. (Garlic flowers are, as a rule, much lighter tasting than regular garlic; but I was warned that while the wild garlic flower is beautiful do not bring them into the house for decoration!).
Chaudrée de Palourdes et Croûtons à l'Ail. – Clam chowder with garlic flavored croutons. When clam chowder is on the menu, it is rare that you will see the name of a particular clam, and most modern French clam chowders also include mussels.  French clam chowders may also include the North American Quahog, called the Cherry Stone Clam in the USA. The original American Indian name for the Cherry Stone Clam was quahogs, and these clams were introduced accidentally into Europe some 80 years ago from the USA. This clam is added for its texture with other clams providing the taste. The cherry stone clam in France is called the Palourde Américaine or  Palourde Quahog Nordique, or Le Clam. This is a relatively large clam, from 5 -10 cm (2" - 4") across.
Cherry Stone Clams

Chaudrée de Pétoncles au Maïs Rôti  - Scallop chowder prepared with roast corn, that’s roast maize in the USA.
Chaudrée de Poissons  - Fish Chowder. When this is all the information on the menu it is time to ask which fish is in the chowder!
Chaudrée de Poissons et Fruits de Mer, Pommes de Terre Salardaises. A fish and seafood chowder served with a side dish of Pommes de Terre Salardaise. Pommes de Terre Salardaise are potatoes baked in duck fat and flavored with garlic and parsley; a traditional recipe from the Dordogne.
A seafood chowder.
Chaudrée de Saumon et de Crevettes aux Pommes De Terre – A salmon and shrimp chowder served with potatoes.
Chaudrée Vendéenne  -  A traditional fish and seafood chowder from the department of Vendée in the region of the Pays de la Loire; in fact, this is really a stew. A Chaudrée Vendéenne will include anguille, eel; congre, conger eel; seiche, cuttlefish; white wine, butter, onions, shallots, garlic, and fennel.
Chowder served in a bread bowl.
A classic and attractive way to serve a chowder.
It is easy to see how the French word Chaudrée, became chowder in English; with the 1066 invasion of England by William the Conqueror, many French words entered the English kitchen. Another French word occasionally used for chowder is Choudiere; a Choudiere was the pot or cauldron in which the fisherman would cook their chowder at the end of a long work day.  Today’s chefs do not fish for a living and they will be using far better fish and seafood than those who originally cooked with a Choudiere.
With a few notable exceptions, most of the mainland French clam offerings are only seen on the French side of the Atlantic and in the Mediterranean. On a seafood restaurant menu, quite a number of words may be used to indicate clams; the most usual and correct name is Palourde; however, the menu may also use traditional names including, but not only: Clam, Praires, Venus, Vernis, and Clovis. With a few exceptions, the clams from North America's Atlantic coast are not seen in Europe.                              
Abalone, the Ormeau or Oreille-de-Mer.
In clam chowders, in France as elsewhere around the world, chefs may include the meat of the abalone, also called the sea ear; and that despite the abalone not being a clam. Nevertheless, clams and abalones are closely related with similar textures. The abalone is large to very large sea snail with good meat and a slightly sweet taste and a texture that blends in well.   While the abalone may be found in many French restaurant kitchens, it will rarely be noted by name on the menu.  Nevertheless, Abalone meat is often part of shellfish salads; in French, the abalone is the Ormeau or Oreille-de-mer.
The shell of an Abalone.
Abalone shells have attractive colors and are often used in jewelry.
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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Copyright 2010, 2011, 2016

The Mousseron - The St. George's Mushroom. The St. George's Mushroom on French Menus. The Mushrooms of France II.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


The St George's Mushroom.
Photograph courtesy of Andrew
Mousseron, Mousseron de la St Georges, Mousseron de Provence or Tricholome de la St-Georges – The St George's Mushroom. These mushrooms can grow quite large but those I have seen in the markets are rarely over 6 or 7 cm across; nevertheless, they decorate and flavor with equal success.
France has many wild mushrooms and the Mousseron, the St George's mushroom, is a particularly tasty example; when it is on the menu do not pass on it.  Many restaurants have long-term agreements with professional ramasseurs, foragers, and gatherers, who know the different seasons when the various wild mushrooms, herbs, fruits, and vegetables become available.   These professionals bring restaurants wild garlic, wild onions, wild asparagus, and wild fruits along with the season’s wild mushrooms.

St George’s mushroom may be found all over Europe and France, in most parts, from late March through June.  According to those who know, they say they can find them earlier in the South of France and then sometimes they can be found again in the autumn. If you want to try them at home and cannot find them fresh then try the dried version which when re-hydrated is not too bad.  The fresh mushrooms are only found in the wild; however, attempts to cultivate them continue.
St George’s mushrooms on French Menus:
Crème de Mousseron – A cream of St George's mushroom soup.
Filet de Canette Rôti à la Réglisse, Poêlée de Mousseron -  Breast of duckling roasted with licorice, and served with lightly fried St. George’s Mushrooms.
Foie Gras de Canard Mi-Cuit, Panais et Pickles de Mousseron – Very lightly fried fattened duck's liver served with parsnips and pickled St George’s mushrooms
St Georges' mushrooms in the market.
                                         Photograph courtesy of  Le Coeur au Ventre
Fricassée d'Asperges Vertes et de Mousserons de la Saint-Georges. – Stewed green asparagus prepared together with St Georges’ mushrooms.
Risotto de Petit Épeautre aux Mousserons- A risotto made with Small Spelt and St Georges mushrooms  From the use of Small Spelt, also called Einkorn, this is, of course, a dish that only could have originated in Provence. Only a few places, outside Provence, grow Spelt and or Small Spelt commercially. Those that do include Germany, who make a beer with Spelt.  Spelt, is the ancestor of modern wheat, and the Small Spelt used in this dish is another ancestor, but this ancestor never went on to become a smooth grain that would become a staple.
Small Spelt has a slight course texture, but it is tasty.  In Provence, Spelt and Small Spelt were traditionally, and sometimes still are, used instead of rice; certainly seeing Small Spelt on a menu offers a change from regular risotto rice. This is a chance to enjoy a different taste that you will be unlikely to find at home.
Sole de Ligne, en Tronçon Épais, Girolles et Mousserons au suc de vin jaune – A wide cut from sole, the fish, prepared with Girolle/Chanterelle and St Georges’ mushrooms and a sauce made with the natural cooking juice and the yellow wine from the Jura.

The results of one morning's mushroom collecting.
The best Steak à la Bordelaise that I ever had in France, and I have had a few! Came with fresh mousseron mushrooms; the mousseron mushrooms were the only garnish and the only decoration, apart from some excellent French fries.  The mushrooms, the steak à la Bordelaise and the restaurant’s local Bordeaux house wine were a very successful combination.
A fairy ring of St George’s mushrooms.
A word of warning
 A word of warning. Do not cook or eat any mushrooms that have not been checked by an expert.  Many mushrooms look alike and some are poisonous. Every French town and villages have mushrooms experts and any local pharmacy will be able to give you directions.  The volunteer experts will check your mushrooms without charge.
(Catalan - moixeró o bolet de Sant Jordi), (Dutch - voorjaarspronkridder ), (German – maipilz) (Italian - funghi di san giorgio). (Spanish - seta de San Jorge), (Latin - calocybe gambosaor tricholoma georgi).
Other Mushroom Posts:
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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


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